Our company specializes in recruiting Managers, Administrative and Production personnel for any industry. Although we mainly specialize in the agricultural and manufacturing sector we are also experienced in other industries to assist with any appointment in any sector. We also have a database which enables us to source the best skilled individuals to comply with our clients operational needs.


Drafting contracts goes hand in hand with the recruitment process and is an important process in effective personnel administration. Employees should receive written particulars of employment (contracts) and it should comply with specific requirements in terms of legislation. Our company provides this service as part of the recruitment process and on an ad hoc basis to keep personnel records updated.


In terms of new legislation and trade union negotiations, job descriptions took on a new dimension to replace the old stereo types which consisted of a list of duties. We have expertise in this field to assist any company with compiling job descriptions for individual employees.


Job Evaluations/Surveys

This service ensures that clients are informed and up to date with the latest changes in this fast changing environment and to stay competitive with the rest of the industry. High labour turnovers and non-competitive salaries are regular occurrences and with regular wage and salary surveys we will ensure that our clients' employees are competitive and in line with the rest of the industry.


This service is provided to minimize industrial labour actions. Approximately one hundred of our clients' negotiations are successful and are done on an annual basis.


Conflict that arises as a result of labour or personnel issues are handled and resolved in terms of the Labour Relations Act and other applicable legislation.


We have expertise in this field and will assist our clients with this important aspect as part of effective personnel and labour management.


Many companies are defenceless against trade unions and employees since they don't have the necessary knowledge. As an approved member of the AHI Employer’s organization this part of our service has become increasingly indispensable since the changes to the Labour Relations Act were approved in 1995. We can therefore offer you representation at the Commission for Reconciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and at various Bargaining Councils.

It is of great importance that all companies compile and monitor their Employment Equity Plans and submit their reports to the Department of Labour. According to the Employment Equity Act this should be done annually if there are more than 50 employees employed at the company or if the company has an annual turnover greater than indicated in Schedule 4 of the Employment Equity Act. Employers can also volunteer to become designated employers. We assist employers with this process to ensure that it is done correctly and according to legislation.

Whether you are a big dreaming high school student, experiencing some sort of midlife crises or just in between careers, this service can add much value to your future. We have access to psychometric tools and years of practical experience - all facilitated by our in house Industrial Psychologist to ensure that we coach and direct you in a career that will provide for all your needs.


Companies with 50 or more employees, temporary and permanent employees in total, should complete and submit the Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report. We have a registered SDF at various SETA’s. Therefore, we can compile and submit your plans annually before 30 April.


Training does not have to be accredited to be taken into consideration for the Annual Training Report. We have various training programs that we offer that will develop your employees and add value to your organization.

Ensure that your organisation stays ahead with the latest industry moves, keeps a fresh look at innovating for success and aligning your personnel to efficiently achieve your short, medium and long term strategy is the focus of organisational development. It involves the processes of diagnosis (qualitative and quantitative), feedback and intervention and is a sure way to influence and create an ideal organisational culture while optimising all of your human capital to maximum efficiency and productivity.

Psychometric assessment is the practice of using valid and reliable means to measure and determine certain cognitive, emotive and behavioural attributes or states of the individual. Our in house Industrial Psychologist, DB Hauptfleisch, can provide psychometric testing services to any of our clients, assisting you with personnel selection decisions, developmental initiatives or team building exercises.

Get the best out of your team, create synergy and learn the dynamics that makes teamwork a winning recipe. With team building interventions that focus specifically at diagnosed intervention needs, we provide a fun, activity based team building solution for any team that would like to grow in cohesiveness and learn how to exploit all the benefits and synergies of teamwork.

When your company needs to take the unfortunate route of retrenching staff, we provide a caring service by our in house Industrial Psychologist. The goal of the service is to coach and guide the employee on their future in a brief counseling session, while checking for any possible deviant behaviour that might cause harm to the employee’s future, family, life or the organisation.

Exit interviews are interviews conducted with employees at the end of their service for a company for whatever reason. The goal of such an interview is to openly discuss the employees inputs into improving the organisation and to obtain information that might have been kept secret during the employment period. The future plans and career path of the employee is also discussed and guidance can be provided. Furthermore, the objective is to create a positive attitude towards the organisation by providing this after service care.

No job is too big or too small for our team!