Job evaluations & Market Scale Information

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Job evaluations
& Market Scale Information
Are your employees remunerated fairly?

Willis Towers Watson, a global talent and rewards consultancy, found that a significant portion (almost 50%!) of employees felt that they were not being remunerated fairly compared to others in their organisation conducting the same or similar work (Global Workforce Study).
Whether this is true or not, perceptions of remuneration fairness influence the amount of effort people are willing to put into their work, affecting their overall productivity and engagement.
Beyond ensuring productivity, fair remuneration is furthermore enshrined in South African law, with the Employment Equity Act addressing the principle of “Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value”.

How can you ensure your remuneration strategy is fair and equitable?
By following a consistent process to determine the level of the role, which in turn links to market related remuneration at that level. We can assist you with job evaluations and re-evaluation of positions to determine that the level of the role is correct and up to date.  

Every year, we conduct a remuneration survey, which helps us determine the remuneration trends for your industry, which ensures that you are paying your employees fairly.
We have just finalised the latest and updated salary information for 2020/21 – contact us today to guarantee that your salary structure is market aligned and your job grades are in place!
M3 Team
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